Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Guess I'm Going to Have to Change the Name of the Blog

Hello all you readers (that's probably me and Dale)! As you have probably read from the family blog, Dale and I have now turned into Transplants from Texas to Utah. Now Dale is the transplant, so I guess the name can still apply. He started his new job as Director at C.S. Lewis Academy in Santaquin last Monday, July 19th. They dropped a whole lot of stuff into his lap on Day One and he didn't have a chance to catch his breath until the weekend. This week, he has also been very busy, but I think they let him go to the restroom today, so, that's progress. . .
He has been loving every minute of it because his brain likes to handle a whole bunch of stuff all at once. The best part of the job is that there is a Maverik Station about half a block from the school, and he can buy one of their hot dogs whenever he gets a hankerin' for one. Well, that's if they will unchain him from his desk.

I have been busy this week trying to do some of the transitioning that is required in any move. Thank goodness for my sweet, dear Dad who has this house for us to come to. Otherwise, we would have had to drive around Payson with our Uhaul trailer until we found a place to live.
Utah Valley really is a beautiful place with its surrounding mountains. You don't realize how beautiful until you are away from it for awhile and then come back. Dale was/is quite impressed with the view of Mt. Timpanogas from the front window of Dad's house, as well as the view from the front door of C.S. Lewis Academy. It looks out over the valley from the hill above Santaquin.

I'll post more as I get a chance. So, don't give up on the Texas Transplant blog.